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Объявление снято с публикации
16 Май 2024


Москва | Добавлено: 12 Август 2021, номер: 884191
    Energy saving
    Prospects for the use of a hydrogen generator in the military-industrial complex, nuclear, space and other industries
    On the initiative of President Vladimir Putin, an international forum on hydrogen technologies was held in February 2006.
    There is no effective and safe solution for the use of pure hydrogen yet.
    In this situation, we offer an electro-hydrogen generator of cheap hydrogen (EVG), developed by us.
    Hydrogen is produced by an EVG installed directly on thermal machines.
    Hydrogen from EVG is profitable, safe, very profitable and simple.
    Photo of an EVG on a stand with an electric drive, a heated water supply pipeline and
    a hydrogen discharge pipeline
    The prospect of using a hydrogen generator at military facilities will significantly increase the energy capacity of these facilities. The engine will be all-fuel.
    The cost of EVG hydrogen is 2 rubles per 1 cubic meter (1.5 kW / hour of electricity), which is more than 4 times less than the existing methods. Hydrogen from EVG is several times cheaper than natural gas.
    Reference. The EVG is powered by an electromechanical drive and electrochemically decomposes hot water into hydrogen (a patent of the Russian Federation and an international patent .) One cubic meter of the nominal working volume of the EVG, operating in an optimal mode with an efficiency of 86-98 %, is capable of producing 3.5 m3 of hydrogen per second and at the same time about 2.2 MJ of direct electric current.
    The size and power of the EVG may vary depending on the purpose, installation location and hydrogen needs.
    Application of hydrogen-enriched fuel (fuel-hydrogen mixture) increases the efficiency of heat engines by 25-30%, significantly (by 30-35%) reduces fuel consumption, and the toxicity of exhaust gases decreases by 3-4 times, increases the engine life and mileage at one gas station, reduces the dependence of the engine on fuel quality.
    The process is safe, since it takes place in a closed space, and hydrogen is directly supplied to closed fuel supply systems.
    The process of hydrogen production stops when the heat loss stops or when the engine is turned off.
    The competitiveness of a car or a heat engine increases dramatically. You can install the EVG on the car yourself, but it's better at the factory – the traffic police will not worry.
    Hydrogen from EVG, in addition to thermal machines, is applicable in small stationary and mobile power engineering, in the field of energy supply for industrial and space objects, expeditions, municipal and agricultural farms, greenhouses and livestock complexes.
    Hydrogen from EVG at thermal power plants, at steel production facilities, recovers heat losses, produces hydrogen for direct use, which is included in the thermal process (natural gas enrichment, etc.)
    Hydrogen from the EVG on the compressors of oil and gas pipelines and its injection into the oil pipeline increases the amount of gas (petroleum product) at the outlet of the pipe by 1.5-2.1 times compared to the one pumped into the pipe. In addition, paraffins are dissolved in the pipe, the energy content of the pumped products increases. The profit grows more than 3 times.
    Hydrogen from EVG at oil refineries and fuel oil processing plants as part of a modern set of equipment increases the depth of processing of raw materials up to 98% and improves the quality of petroleum products. The conversion is carried out in 3-4 months without stopping the main production.
    The payback period of EVG is 0.5-1 year.
    The simplicity of our EVG design makes it possible within a few months to master the serial production of some of the simplest modifications of the generator for the needs of the military-industrial complex, space, small energy without special organizational and technical efforts and significant capital investments.
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    Rexturizer - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Jismoniy shaxslar va kompaniyalardan bepul e'lonlar taxtasi. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Партнерство / инвестиции, Бизнес в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. AVADA.SHOP - Jismoniy shaxslar va kompaniyalardan bepul e'lonlar taxtasi. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Объявление Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции - Rexturizer - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. 

    Rexturizer - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Jismoniy shaxslar va kompaniyalardan bepul e'lonlar taxtasi. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Партнерство / инвестиции, Бизнес в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. AVADA.SHOP - Jismoniy shaxslar va kompaniyalardan bepul e'lonlar taxtasi. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Объявление Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции - Rexturizer - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия.  

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