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SPD-V010 Handheld Roll Gap Checker

Чанша | Добавлено: 24 октобар 2023, номер: 981870
    The handheld roll gap checker is specially used to measure the length between spherical surface, arc surface and plane (or spherical surface). It is specially suitable for the opening adjustment of the roll gap of the metallurgical continuous casters in various specifications, because the roll gap checker has the advantages of high resolution, accurate measurement, stable data and easy to use. Because the opening accuracy of the roll gap checker will directly affect the quality of the casting block, this roll gap checker is an indispensable testing equipment in the continuous casting equipment, which can fully meet the needs of on-site installation testing and use process verification. When the hand-held roll gap meter smoothly passes through the gap between the guide rolls of the continuous casting machine, the upper measuring contact of the hand-held roll gap checker contacts the inner arc roll and the lower measuring contact touches the outer arc roll. The handheld roll gap checker is used in perpendicular to the roll diameter direction, during the pushing process, when the hand-held roll gap meter is in the tangent plane of the upper and lower rolls, the measured value is the smallest at this time, and this value is the roll gap measurement value. The design of the hand-held roll gap gauge ensures that the upper and lower contacts of the roll gap checker can smoothly pass the measured roll along a straight line during measurement.
    During the measurement process, the roll gap measuring instrument automatically compares the measured values, and displays the minimum measured value on the instrument display interface, which is the current measured roll gap value.
    The introduction of different types
    The measuring range of the split hand-held roll gap checker is 180mm - 400mm
    This hand-held roll gap checker adopts the design that the measuring body and the display instrument are separated. The measuring body can be clamped by an extension rod, which is suitable for online maintenance and measurement of wider slabs, and it is convenient to use the extension rod to send the measuring body into the continuous casting section to measure inside and we can see measurement data on the checker outside.
    The measuring range of instrument type handheld roll gap checker is 120mm - 400mm
    This hand-held roll gap meter is light and compact, and it is convenient to carry during maintenance. The measurement value can be seen immediately after measurement, easy to use, and can be equipped with a short measuring rod. It is suitable for the maintenance and measurement of slab online and offline continuous casting sections. It has data printing function, the measurement results can be printed in real time.
    The measuring range of thin slab hand-held roll gap checker is 60mm - 150mm
    This handheld roll gap meter is suitable for measuring the roll gap of CSP continuous casting machine and ultra-thin slab continuous casting machine. It is accurate and easy to use.
    The technical parameters
    1. Measuring range of instrument type handheld roll gap checker: 180mm - 400mm (the range can be customized)
    2. Measuring range of digital hand-held roll gap checker: 120mm - 400mm (the range can be customized)
    3. Measuring range of hand-held thin slab roll checker : 60mm - 150mm (the range can be customized)
    4. Measurement accuracy: 0.01mm
    5. Working temperature: -25℃~+85℃
    6. Battery capacity: 5000mAh
    7. Charger specification: 12V
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    SPD-V010 Handheld Roll Gap Checker - объявление в городе Чанша, Hunan Sheng, Китай. Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Tablero de anuncios gratuitos de individuos y empresas. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Металлургическое оборудование, Оборудование, Бизнес в городе Чанша, Hunan Sheng, Китай. AVADA.SHOP - Tablero de anuncios gratuitos de individuos y empresas. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование в городе Чанша, Hunan Sheng, Китай. Объявление Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование - SPD-V010 Handheld Roll Gap Checker - объявление в городе Чанша, Hunan Sheng, Китай.  

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