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Ртутная продукция-МФК и РМ

Анкара | Добавлено: 23 април 2022, номер: 904919
    FCs for experiments and studies. etc.
    Red liquid ROTH- based on the liquid phase of pyroantimonate RM 20/20 chemical formula (Hg2Sb2O7) and a number of MFCs of other grades.
    Packaging: Small glass bottles Lw 103 in - 20 gram bottles or in charcoal flask (net weight 1 kg to 6 kg) with wooden box protection.
    Please note/ The cylinder (34.5 kg flask) is for the liquid type of silver mercury and NOT for the STORAGE and TRANSPORTATION of RM or MFC red liquid mercury of any grade, however (scammers offer you exactly that.), RM or MFC red group cannot be stored in steel, stainless steel or aluminum flasks and cannot be transported by air with 34.5 kg, per new regulations A. I. T. Normalization.
    Full 100% prepayment on account. There is no limit to the number of countries in the world and no confiscation or auditing of the recipient for the purpose for which he ordered and purchased the product! Documents for quality and content will always be packed with each shipment. There are no photos and videos of some numbers and dates! Goods from the production, the information is official . The goods really is, ordered, contract. paid for and received at the appointed time. But there will be rejections, there is also verification of who and why and why is ready to buy. Who are looking for free and gratis, all this in China and a number of CIS countries are and you get more money! A number of IFC check lemon, there is no reflection in the mirror and all folk methods work. Basically now remembered the old methods of Oriental medicine from antiquity and the rich and super-rich people began to use the MFC to treat themselves and others, creating some kind of amulets based on the MFC, etc. Information gatherers do not get in the way. Addressed to those who have funds and are ready to contract and order.
    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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    Ртутная продукция-МФК и РМ - объявление в городе Анкара, Ankara, Турция. Услуги, Красота / здоровье, Медицина объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Tablero de anuncios gratuitos de individuos y empresas. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Медицина, Красота / здоровье, Услуги в городе Анкара, Ankara, Турция. AVADA.SHOP - Tablero de anuncios gratuitos de individuos y empresas. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Услуги, Красота / здоровье, Медицина в городе Анкара, Ankara, Турция. Объявление Услуги, Красота / здоровье, Медицина - Ртутная продукция-МФК и РМ - объявление в городе Анкара, Ankara, Турция.  

    Вы всегда можете найти или разместить объявления в городе Анкара в данных категориях, объявления недвижимость, объявления транспорт, объявления работа, объявления услуги, объявления для бизнеса, объявления бытовая электроника, объявления для дома и дачи, объявления о продаже личных вещей, объявления детские товары, объявления животные, объявления хобби и отдых.