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Burner burns used automobile oil

Toronto | Добавлено: 21 August 2024, номер: 1029385
  • Состояние: Новый 
1) no heating of used automobile oil
2) no electric turbine fan
3) no booster pump
4) no filter
5) no water evaporation required
for operation of burners No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 Required
1) hose with tap for supplying compressed air
2) hose with tap for supplying used automobile oil
3) container for used automobile oil
4) air compressor
5) wick and piezo burner on propane for starting a burner on used automobile oil
Burners using compressed air require a compressor
(compressor characteristics)
for burner No. 1 no less than 180 l/min.
for burner No. 2 no less than 240 l/min.
for burner No. 3 no less than 350 l/min.
Manual burners.
Start-up is carried out using a burning wick or piezo burner on propane (watch video) compressed air pressure no more than 2 kg/cm2
The burner stops immediately
1) first by closing the compressed air supply valve
2) then shutting off the waste motor oil supply valve
Manual burners.
To achieve better combustion of used automobile oil, it is necessary to regulate
1) compressed air pressure 6 - 8 kg/cm2
2) waste motor oil supply valve
3) air dampers on the burner body
Burner characteristics
N. Press consumption liters per hour
1) 6-8kg/cm2 min 0.3L (0.8-2L optimal) max 10.4L
2) 6-8 kg/cm2 min 1.5-2L (4-5L optimal) max 16L
3) 6-8 kg/cm2 min 4-6L ( 10-12L optimal) max 20-24L
The injector can be cleaned only by blowing it with compressed air and rinsing it with cleaning agents for the injection system of cars. Do not clean the injector with sharp objects; this will cause the injector to malfunction.
Injectors that are out of working order due to improper use cannot be returned.
All Burner New. The burner is being tested for functionality.
There will be a link to video instructions for using the burner soon.
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Burner burns used automobile oil - объявление в городе Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Дом и сад, Строительство / ремонт, Отопление объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Free Bulletin Board from individuals and companies. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Отопление, Строительство / ремонт, Дом и сад в городе Toronto, Ontario, Canada. AVADA.SHOP - Free Bulletin Board from individuals and companies. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Дом и сад, Строительство / ремонт, Отопление в городе Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Объявление Дом и сад, Строительство / ремонт, Отопление - Burner burns used automobile oil - объявление в городе Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  

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