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ZST-P100 Online Continuous Temperature Measurement of the Billet End

Changsha | Добавлено: 24 October 2023, номер: 981880
    The system aims at the continuous temperature detection of the product obtained from the continuous casting machine. The billets and their surrounding environmental factors such as scale, steam, shielding and other factors, are considered in the scheme design and equipment selection. The accurate detection and real-time transmission of temperature during the billets movement are also considered.
    The equipment selection
    Temperature detection
    The billet temperature detection adopts the two-color integrated high-temperature thermometer produced by Wuhan CenterRise M&C Engineering CO., ;Temperature measurement range: 600°C - 1400°C; All components are installed in a sturdy housing for continuous measurement. The optimized treatment is taken for the problems that the semi-finished billets are hindered by steam or other particles (scale) in the environment, and the billets movement and the installation limited field of view. It provides fast, real-time monitoring of high temperature billets.
    Equipment cooling
    Using vortex air cooling device, no power supply is needed, only dry air is required, and the low temperature cooling gas below 0°C is output to cool the three sets of temperature detection equipment.
    Signal transmission
    The bidirectional RS-485 communication of the measurement and control system is used among multiple (multi-stream) measuring equipment or among the measuring equipment and the secondary meter. The Industrial Ethernet or DP network communication is used between the secondary instrument and the PLC. The signal transmission equipment adopts the communication equipment supporting multi-protocol network.
    Purge device (optional)
    When the environmental occlusion is severe, and the main occlusion is gaseous substances such as steam, it is recommended to use a purging device. The purging device uses dry air, and the solenoid valve controls the start and stop.
    Adopting DataTemp software to remotely set and monitor the measuring equipment. Adopting ScanTemp software to analyze and process the temperature data and eliminate invalid signals. Through the software model, the interference factors such as steam and iron scale can be overcome and the actual temperature of the casting billets can be displayed in real time.
    The features
    Using Si/Si stack detector, high sensitivity
    It is easy to use and has sturdy housing, which meets NEMA-4 standard
    Bidirectional RS-485/DP communication (can be networked), supports up to 32 detection sensors at most
    With user-defined alarm methods, analog and digital outputs are synchronized
    Use protective devices and air cooling devices, can withstand high temperature environment
    Accurate measurement of moving targets or targets obscured by dust, smoke and other particles in the atmosphere
    Adopt passive cooling apparatus, high cooling efficiency and low maintenance
    Use software to remotely set and monitor, analyze and secondary process the data, and optimize occlusion measurement
    The parameters
    Measurement range:600℃~1400℃
    Response time:10ms
    Spectral response:bicolor
    Cooling air pressure:>0.5Kpa
    Cooling air flow:24L/min
    Output signal:485 / DP / 4-20mA
    Environment standard:NEMA4 (IEC529, IP65)
    Свяжитесь с автором объявления
    Floria Liang
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    ZST-P100 Online Continuous Temperature Measurement of the Billet End - объявление в городе Changsha, Hunan Sheng, China. Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Free Bulletin Board from individuals and companies. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Металлургическое оборудование, Оборудование, Бизнес в городе Changsha, Hunan Sheng, China. AVADA.SHOP - Free Bulletin Board from individuals and companies. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование в городе Changsha, Hunan Sheng, China. Объявление Бизнес, Оборудование, Металлургическое оборудование - ZST-P100 Online Continuous Temperature Measurement of the Billet End - объявление в городе Changsha, Hunan Sheng, China.  

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