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Объявление снято с публикации
16 Mai 2024

Biogenic gold

Москва | Добавлено: 12 August 2021, номер: 884190
    We have developed the technology and equipment for obtaining a solution of monatomic gold in water.
    The conditional name is biogenic gold.
    Why is this name?
    Monatomic gold is extremely difficult to obtain.
    Nanoscale white gold.
    Monatomic gold has a purity of 99.999% ppm
    Monatomic gold resonates with DNA and restores DNA.
    The metaphysical properties of gold in its name are AURUM. This is due to the aura.
    Biogenic gold affects a healthy long life.
    The experiments of scientists confirm that monatomic gold improves the state of the human body at the cellular level.Properties of biogenic gold:
    * helps to accelerate the process of cell regeneration.;
    * suppresses the process of inflammation in tissues.;
    * reduces body temperature;
    * improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    * affects the process of self-regulation;
    * frees people from bad habits;
    * reduces acidity and promotes the healing of ulcers.;
    * helps in the treatment of cancer;
    * normalizes the skin condition and eliminates the first signs of aging.
    Gold is so universal that it affects the regeneration of cells. Metal helps to speed up the recovery process, for this reason it is often prescribed in liquid form to patients who have undergone serious surgery, recovering from illness or injury.
    Gold is used in the treatment of arthritis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the connective cartilage. Gold helps to eliminate inflammation and speed up the process of restoring connective and cartilage tissue. Colloidal gold is part of complex therapy and is one of the drugs used to treat this pathology.
    A solution of gold can lower the body temperature. It is often used in the treatment of colds.
    Gold has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, for this reason, the solution can be prescribed in the presence of heart diseases.
    Gold improves the process of self-regulation and, in addition, stimulates the human immune system.
    Gold-a solution in water was used to treat patients with alcoholism. This tool helps to cope with addiction and quickly give up addiction to alcohol.
    Colloidal gold is used in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The solution is taken orally, it helps to reduce the acidity and healing of ulcers and damage to the intestinal mucosa and stomach.
    Gold is used in the treatment of oncological diseases. Gold helps to fight tumors and neoplasms, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole.
    Colloidal gold has found its application in cosmetology: masks, creams and other skin care products for the face and body containing gold are in demand.
    Fresh drinking water is saturated with gold nanoparticles to a concentration of 0.43 MK/l.
    The use of water saturated with gold nanoparticles gives a charge of vivacity and energy, improves endurance, vision, supports brain activity, concentration of attention, stabilizes the state of the nervous system, restores internal harmony in depression, melancholy and thermoregulation.
    Dosage: 100 ml per day. The duration of admission is 1-3 months. If necessary, you can repeat this. Contraindications: individual intolerance to gold. It is recommended to consult a specialist before using it.
    Due to the fact that Western companies, unlike us, are not able to extract fine gold that does not settle in the water. Companies add colloidal substances to the water.
    To some extent, this does not allow us to achieve high biogenic characteristics.
    The fact is that this substance is often included in cosmetics, salon procedures and is used to preserve youth and beauty.
    This type of gold was known to mankind for a very long time, it was called the elixir of life and was taken inside in China and ancient Egypt.
    Biologically active gold helps oxygen molecules to penetrate the skin faster, improving metabolic processes.
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    Biogenic gold - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции объявление на AVADA.SHOP - Das Brett der kostenlosen Erklärungen von den Einzelpersonen und den Gesellschaften. Размещайте бесплатно объявления в категориях Партнерство / инвестиции, Бизнес в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. AVADA.SHOP - Das Brett der kostenlosen Erklärungen von den Einzelpersonen und den Gesellschaften. Бесплатные объявления в рубриках Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия. Объявление Бизнес, Партнерство / инвестиции - Biogenic gold - объявление в городе Москва, Москва и Московская обл., Россия.  

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